Marketing science and graphic science have a long relationship with each other. Motion graphics have a special ability to convey a message to the audience due to their visual appeal, power to capture emotions and high flexibility. Motion graphics consists of the two words motion meaning moving and graphics (images that are generally made with graphic programs). In the following, we will introduce this technique and its services in Shiraz. Join Binahayat team…

Motion graphics is the knowledge of merging images and moving them along with sound, which is used in making advertising teasers, 2D animations, educational programs, and so on. Motion graphics do not need a camera, lighting, video, or an actor.
Attractive colors, various graphic images and creating effects that attract the audience are all reasons why motion graphics are one of the most popular methods nowadays, especially for advertising, they are especially popular among the audience and help to recognize the brand and increase sales.
Motion graphics are used in making exhibition and organizational teasers, various types of video ads appropriate to the social networks, websites and television.
Preparation in the shortest time, without the need for filming, high attractiveness, special characters and reasonable costs are the reasons that the Binahayateam Advertising Agency offers you.
Advertising motion graphics can be an alternative to industrial films and teasers to introduce your services and products in a new style.
Advertising motion graphics as a new branch of video advertising reduces costs and you can give the most information and reach your advertising goals with the least amount of effort.

Motion graphics services in Shiraz
The process of ordering and making motion graphics may vary depending on the requested type of motion graphics. In general, this process in Binahayateam Marketing Agency is as follows:
- Order motion graphics from the customer
- Sending the required information for design by the customer
- Payment of 50% of the cost as an advance payment by the customer
- Motion graphic design by Binahayat team
- Send motion graphics samples to the customer for review
- Request the desired modifications from the customer (only for one-minute and longer motion graphics and up to a maximum of 20%)
- Motion graphics modification
- Send a modified sample to the customer
- Payment of the remaining 50% of the cost by the customer
- Send the final motion graphics to the customer
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